Families of The Way

Communicating with God and Family

Families of The Way: Communicating with God and Family

Families are a blessing. Yes, they are busy and have conflict, yet at the end of the day, we are thankful for our families. But what if there was a way to make family life even better? Less stress, better communication, more smiles, fewer tears and closer relationships all happen when you use the methods taught by Janet Bonnin and the Families of The Way team.

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Who Will Benefit?

The Families of The Way approach is for anyone who would like to improve their family’s present situation, as well as their future. Using tools such as the Fine Tuned Families Skill Sheets, the Communicating with God and Family Series and SMAART Goals, a family will draw closer to each other, their friends, and most importantly, God. As relationships at home, within our community, or at church are strengthened daily, challenges and obstacles become easier to face and overcome.


How is the Families of The Way Approach Different?

Our team recognizes how busy parents can be, because we are parents too. Using first-hand experience, Life Coaching training, and tools such as the Communicating with God and Family Series, and Life Management skills, Janet has crafted a unique approach to bridge the gap between being an “okay family” to being the family everyone wants to be. The Families of The Way methods help you be more mindful of how we interact with the world in which we live, and how the teachings of our faith and beliefs relate to our daily choices and activities.

The Families of The Way Communicating with God and Family Series uses an engaging and encouraging approach designed to strengthen families:

  • 7 - 90 minute sessions
  • Interesting DVD presentations of the week’s content
  • A group facilitator who will guide parents as they work through the exercises and share their weekly insights on the topics covered
  • Have discussions on the week’s Questions for Understanding
  • Take home guides and Calls to Action to help practice what was learned
  • Discuss successes and failures of the past week’s lesson application to deepen learning

Why Families of The Way?

Many have serious concerns about how to better seamlessly blend spiritual truths and daily living. As parents, we know it is up to us to introduce our children to the love of Jesus Christ and to help them better understand and appreciate the beauty of our church community. We are the most important role models in helping them develop the social, emotional, and intellectual skills needed for life. The Families of The Way approach combines and connects spiritual growth, daily faith practices, communication and other life skills to develop better parenting techniques. These techniques are taught in the welcoming and safe environment of a church or Christian school.


What are Families of The Way’s Goals?

To help parents and their children, middle school age and above, learn more about specific areas of our faith, such as the origins of the Mass, the Catechism, Church history, living a Sacramental life, developing a personal and family prayer life, parenting from a Christian perspective, and strengthening familial relationships.